Creating new daily routines is challenging, but positive habits can be developed with consistency and strategy. Check out these five circle habit tracker templates that will help you track progress as you develop your new habits.

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The Importance of Habit Tracking
Personal development is all about creating the life you want through small changes in your daily lifestyle. The more you examine how you spend your time, the better insight you’ll have into what’s working well for you and what needs to change. This knowledge is key to achieving the positive change you wish to see.
it may not be bad habits per se that are holding you back. As you create a personal development plan and set goals for your life, it becomes evident that those goals are achieved through action. Not the big, earth-shattering action one might imagine is required for such lofty goals, but the nitty-gritty, everyday action that moves you a few inches closer to success each day. These little actions require the development of good habits.
Depending on how different your ideal life is from your current scenario, these habits may be a big stretch for you, or they may just be a continuous reinforcement of the things you’ve already been doing. Either way, the key to success in developing a new good habit is to use a habit tracker.
Printable habit tracker templates help you list all of the actions you want to take on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis and give you a single page where you can record your progress. Habit trackers come in different forms. Here are a few you might come across:
- Daily Habit Tracker. A daily habit tracker is usually a small card that you fill out each day to track specific activities. In addition to habits, you might record things like your weight, how many steps you took, and what books you read. Mini habit trackers like these are useful if you want to track a lot of different habits and want to track more information than can be captured with checkboxes.
- Weekly Habit Tracker. A weekly habit tracker offers space to track a certain number of habits over the course of the week. There are perfect for planners and make great bullet journal or planner spreads. Weekly habit trackers tend to record less information than a daily tracker but more than a monthly tracker
- Monthly Habit Tracker. This is the most common type of habit tracker I’ve seen. With many unique designs to choose from, monthly habit trackers usually have a single page (or 2-page spread) for tracking specific habits over an entire month.
- Yearly habit tracker. Less popular than its counterparts, the yearly habit tracker would typically be used to track a single habit on a 1-page spread.
In this post, I focus specifically on a particular type of monthly tracker: the circle habit tracker.
Why Choose a Circular Habit Tracker
With all the many habit tracker ideas out there, it can be hard to determine which one offers the best way for you personally to keep track of daily tasks. If you’re new to habit tracking, you may want to try a free printable habit tracker from one or more websites before deciding which one works best for you. There are tons of free printables available as well as sample bullet journal spreads, so you should have more than enough options to choose from.
The circle habit tracker is one of my favorites because it offers a highly visual way to see your progress toward your new healthy habit. There is little room on the page for distracting clutter. You simply name five to ten habits and color a box for each day that you complete them.
You can color-code the habits so each has its own color. At the end of the month, it’s very easy to see at a glance where you excelled and where you fell short.
Limiting the number of habits you can track forces you to pick the most important ones and focus on those. If you try to develop twenty habits at a time, you will likely get overwhelmed and give up. But making just a handful of small changes at once is completely doable. Pick the most important habits and expand from there once you’ve got those ones down.
A circle habit tracker template is also perfect for those who like to track habits in their bullet journals. You can copy or trace the design into your bullet journal using carbon paper, a protractor, or a compass. Or simply cut out the tracker design and paste it in if you have the space. The simple design of the circle habit tracker makes it a versatile way to track your progress toward better habits.
Examples of Habits
Here are some examples of habits or other lifestyle considerations you may want to track in your habit tracker:
- water consumption
- mood
- sleep
- morning routine
- exercise/steps
- vitamins and medication
- journaling/writing routine
- homework/studying
- reading
- abstaining from alcohol or other food/drink items you want to cut down on
- flossing
- skin care routine
- tracking symptoms of an illness
- fruit and vegetable intake
- talking to a friend
- time spent working on a hobby (crafting, playing an instrument, photography, etc.)
- unplugging from technology
- time spent outside
- quality time with spouse/child(ren)/family
- taking care of pets
- laundry
- cleaning the house (or a room)
- cooking at home
- watering plants
- paying bills
- making your bed
- meal prep
- financial goals
- emptying your inbox
Five Different Kinds of Circle Habit Tracker Templates
If you want to try circular habit tracker charts, I’ve put together five different templates that you can use. Each free circle habit tracker in this printable pdf lets you track between five and ten habits for up to 31 days. The main difference between them is how many habits you can track, but there are a couple of other differentiations I should also point out.
- Orientation. Depending on where you keep your printables, you may prefer a horizontal habit tracker or a vertical one. The set of printable pages available below contains four vertical trackers and one horizontal tracker (with both a color and a grayscale option).
- Vector illustration. Some people want their habit tracker to be as clean and simple as possible with no extraneous information or design elements, but others like to have a little more fun with it. While most of my designs are minimalist, I’ve included one with some botanical vectors for you to color if that’s your jam.
- Monthly focus. Some people find it helpful to name a particular focus for each month. Others let their habits speak for themselves. I’ve included two options that let you name your intention for the month.
Remember, all of these designs can be used as bullet journal habit trackers. You can cut them out and paste them into your bullet journal.
(Tip: reduce the scale on your printer settings to adjust the page size until it’s small enough to fit in your particular bullet journal. You can also trace them using carbon paper. Or, if all you need is some bujo inspiration rather than a free bullet journal printable, please take all the inspiration you need from these sample pages.
1. 5-Habit Spiral Habit Tracker Template with Monthly Focus

This first habit tracker is a great tool for those who really want to focus on a few key habits. Tuck it into your monthly planner to give yourself a quick visual representation of how you’re doing.
The monthly focus box in the center is a great way to highlight the theme of the major changes you want to prioritize. For example, you might choose self-care, simplicity, or finishing a certain project as your specific goal for the month and then have each of the habits relate to that focal point.
2. 6-Habit Full-Circle Habit Tracker Template with Monthly Focus

If the asymmetry of a spiral-shaped tracker throws you off, you might prefer an evenly-balanced circle. In this simple habit tracker, each particular habit is assigned a letter on the circle.
A table at the bottom gives you room to assign an individual habit to each letter. Limiting your tracked habits to just five or six is a good place to start as it will help combat the overwhelm that could come with trying to tackle ten or more habits right away.
3. 9-Habit Mini-Circles Habit Tracker Template

This one puts a different spin on the circle habit tracker idea. Instead of having one large circle for all your habits, you maintain a separate circle for each habit. This has the benefit of keeping each one isolated and making it easier to see at a glance just how well you’re doing with each habit.
One disadvantage of this template is that the long, skinny daily slices take slightly longer to color than the larger ones on the other templates because greater precision is required. If you’re usually in a rush to get your habit tracker filled in, this may not be the best design for you.
4. 6-Habit Floral Habit Tracker Template with Mini-Circles

Similar to the previous one, this habit tracker features individual circles for each habit. The difference with this one is that each habit contains two concentric circles, so you get a little bit more space for coloring each day.
This one is a little more artsy and busy than the others, which aim to maintain a very clean design. If you are designing your own habit tracker in your bullet journal, you could use these circles as a template and then decorate the journal page with different designs each month.
5. 10-Habit Spiral Habit Tracker with Weekly and Monthly Goals

This last one is the most thorough of the five habit trackers we’ve created. Not only does it have a 31-day habit tracker to record your daily progress, but it also has tables to track your weekly and monthly goals.
And with ten tiers on the circle habit tracker, you can track more good habits than ever. This template packs a lot of bunch into a single page and is great for those who want to amp up their habit tracking game.
Paper and Bullet Journal Recommendations
The final question is this: where should you keep your circle habit tracker? Do you want to tape it on the wall beside your bed, stick it in a binder, or copy it into your bullet journal? As long as you don’t stick it in a box and forget about it, there’s no wrong answer here.
Whichever method you choose, you’re going to need either paper or a notebook for printing your habit tracker pages. Here are some of my top recommendations.
- Dotted grid paper. This dotted grid paper lets you make your own bullet journal on letter-sized paper. If you prefer working out of a binder or would like to keep your habit tracker out and visible, this paper makes that possible. The 32-bond paper is slightly thicker than typical printer paper, so it will hold up well to whatever kinds of pens you use on it. With its three pre-hunched holes, you can slip this straight into a binder without any extra work.
- Responsibly sourced printer paper. If you prefer to use a more traditional blank page, this FSC-certified 32-lb printer paper lets you do so without feeling guilty about your paper use. Sourced from renewable resources and made in the USA, this bright, high-quality paper will look stunning with your favorite markers.
- Eco-friendly bullet journals. For a small dot-grid notebook you can carry around with you, check out these recycled eco-friendly notebooks from TollerStudio. With hand-drawn kraft paper covers and thick dot grid paper, these cute journals are completely recyclable, which is a trait that can be hard to come by in journals. Check out this post for more eco-friendly planners and journals.
- Watercolor Dual Tip Markers. Speaking of markers, we love these watercolor dual-tip markers for filling in our habit trackers and decorating our bullet journal spreads. The colors look stunning on their own, but you can also add water using a wet paintbrush to create a beautiful watercolor effect.

Sophie Agbonkhese is a writer, homeschooling mother of four, and a recovering overachiever (who occasionally relapses). She is the founder of My Cup Runs Over, a site dedicated to helping busy women simplify and enrich their lives. When she’s not writing or debugging websites, Sophie spends her time reading, dancing, bullet journaling, reading, gardening, listening to audiobooks, and striving fruitlessly to have a clean house for at least five minutes.
Saturday 30th of December 2023
I love the work that you have done on creating these habit trackers and I love circular habit trackers the best. However, I want to be able to create my own on my computer so I can personalize it even more. How do you make the original template? I am getting a lot of information on how to make the closed wheel tracker, but cannot find on how to do one such as you have where it is not closed. Can you guide me in the right direction? I appreciate the time you have put into this.
Saturday 6th of January 2024
Hi Naomi, Thanks for the feedback. I'm sorry I may not be able to offer very helpful advice on this topic as I created these quite a while and can't remember exactly which program I used. It was most likely either Canva or Powerpoint. If memory serves me correctly, I created a multi-layered image, alternating between circles/lines, and white shapes to cover up the parts of those that I did not want. Ultimately, I just saved the whole thing as a singular image, so I'm not able to see anymore how I did it. Sorry I can't be of more help. Sophie