The fall season brings with it cooler weather and the need for more indoor entertainment. These fun fall trivia questions for kids are perfect for playing games in the classroom, entertaining kids on a Thanksgiving road trip, or sparking some interesting conversation around the dinner table. However you plan to use them, make sure these trivia questions are part of your fall family fun plans.
Trivia games are a perennial favorite with kids. They love to show off their knowledge and learn some new facts along the way. Small incentives like a piece of chocolate or a sticker can help get them even more excited.
If you’re looking to save money this fall, keep this list of fall trivia questions for kids handy and pull it out whenever you need to entertain your children or students. Games like these are awesome because they cost nothing to play, take zero time to set up or clean up, and are a great way to pass the time.
Fall Facts
How much do you know about fall? Why is it even called fall anyway and why is it the only season that goes by two names? Warm up with these fun facts about fall.

- What is the first day of fall in the Northern Hemisphere? September 22 or 23.
- What day marks the start of fall in the Southern Hemisphere? The first day of Autumn below the equator is March 20 or 21.
- Which three months are considered autumn months in North America? The autumn season is typically considered to include September, October, and November, though kids who answer October, November, and December are not incorrect as December does have more autumnal days than September.
- Why do we experience shorter days in the fall (in the Northern Hemisphere)? Because Earth is tilted on its axis, the Northern Hemisphere is further away from the sun for half that year (fall and winter) and closer to the sun the other half (spring and summer). As the Earth makes its daily rotation, the part that’s closer to the sun receives more hours of daylight than the part that is further away from the sun.
- What is the name of the full moon nearest to the autumnal equinox? The harvest moon.
- Why is it called a harvest moon? The harvest moon comes around the same time that many crops reach their peak. Because the harvest moon rises soon after sunset and gives several nights’ worth of very bright lights, farmers have traditionally used it as a time to harvest crops by night.
- What happens at the autumn equinox? The sun shines directly on the equator and the southern and northern hemispheres receive the same amount of sunlight. The number of hours of day and night are roughly equal.
- Why is autumn often called fall in North America? Because the leaves fall from the trees in autumn.
- Which event marks the end of fall? The winter solstice.
- What day is the winter solstice? December 21 or 22.
Halloween Trivia
The roots of Halloween go back at least 2,000 years to the Celtic festival of Samhain (pronounced “sow-win”). While some of its traditions, such as celebrating the harvest season, are family-friendly, a lot of the other lore associated with the holiday includes communing with and/or warding off the spirits of the dead. As many children may find this scary or off-putting, it’s probably safer to steer your next trivia night toward the lighthearted aspects of Halloween.

- What day is Halloween celebrated? October 31.
- How many pounds of candy do Americans buy at Halloween? 600 million pounds. That’s more than five Titanic ships.
- What is the number one selling Halloween candy in the United States? Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups.
- How much money do Americans (or Canadians) spend on Halloween candy? Americans spend about 3.1 billion dollars per year. Canadians spend about $486 million.
- What were the top three most common costumes in 2022 (according to Google trends)? Witch, Spiderman, Dinosaur.
- What two vegetables are often carved in Europe instead of pumpkins? Beets and turnips.
- What is the Scottish custom of throwing an apple peel over your shoulder around Halloween supposed to determine? The way the peel lands is said to look like the name of the person one is going to marry.
- What is the Charlie Brown Halloween TV special called? It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown.
- What is the day after Halloween called? All Saint’s Day.
- In which U.S. state will you find the world’s longest haunted house? Ohio.
Pumpkin Trivia
Whether you’re taking a field trip to the pumpkin patch, carving jack-o-lanterns, or ordering a pumpkin spice latte, it’s hard to make it through this time of year without encountering a barrage of these orange grouds.

- How many pounds was the world’s largest pumpkin pie? 3,699 pounds.
- How many seeds are found in the average pumpkin? 500 pumpkin seeds.
- Which variety of pumpkins can grow up to 50 pounds per day? American Giants.
- Where did pumpkins originally come from? Mexico and Central America.
- Pumpkins are a type of fruit. Which type of fruit are they? Berries.
- Morton, Illinois is known for its pumpkin production. What nickname has it been given? The Pumpkin Capital of the World.
- The first known use of the word pumpkin in literature was in the story of Cinderella. What did her fairy godmother turn a pumpkin into? A golden carriage.
- What is the only continent where pumpkins can’t grow? Antarctica.
- To grow your own pumpkin for Halloween, when should you plant the seeds? The first week of June.
- The Guinness World Record holder for most pumpkins smashed in a minute smashed how many pumpkins? 52.
Thanksgiving Trivia
While Thanksgiving has meant different things to different people throughout history, today we mostly think of it as a time for gathering with friends and family, expressing gratitude, and eating lots of yummy food. From cornucopia to fall food trivia, these interesting facts are a great way to get the whole family to share their Thanksgiving knowledge.

- What vegetables began to replace pumpkins in pies in the 1800s? Sweet potatoes.
- Thanksgiving kicks off what is known as the holiday season in the U.S. What day does the holiday season end? New Year’s Day.
- The word Thanks comes from the old English word panc. What does this word mean? Grateful thought or gratitude. (Read more about the Etymology of Thanksgiving Terms).
- Which balloon has appeared the most often in the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade? Snoopy.
- What does cornucopia mean? Horn of plenty.
- What percent of American homes eat Turkey at Thanksgiving? 88%.
- What is the most popular Thanksgiving dessert? Pumpkin pie.
- Which Native American tribe fed the colonists at the first Thanksgiving? The Wampanoag.
- Why is Canadian Thanksgiving celebrated earlier than American Thanksgiving? To align with the end of the Canadian harvest season and avoid the frosts of the late fall.
- How many apples does it take to make a gallon of apple cider? A little over a peck, or between 36 and 42 apples. (A peck of apples is approximately 10 pounds).
Fall Nature Trivia
Fall just wouldn’t be fall without the breathtaking display that nature puts on for us. From the deciduous trees that change color so majestically to the abundance of ripe fruits in the apple orchard to the sea of red jewels glistening in the cranberry harvest, autumn is a time of great natural beauty and wonder.

- The Northern Lights are also known as the Aurora Borealis. Where does this name come from? Aurora is the Roman god of the dawn; Boreas, in Greek mythology, is the personification of the north wind.
- Canada produces what percent of the world’s maple syrup? 70-80% depending on the year.
- How many maple trees do you need to tap to produce one gallon of maple syrup? You need 40 gallons of sap to produce one gallon of maple syrup, and this can be produced by 2-4 trees.
- Which bird migrates the farthest? The Arctic tern.
- Which poet called autumn the season of mists? John Keats.
- Which bird’s brain gets 30% bigger in the fall? Black-capped chickadees.
- Why don’t evergreen trees change color or lose their leaves? Their needles are coated in wax, which protects them from frost and helps them maintain their chlorophyll so they stay green all year long.
- What falls from oak trees in the autumn and contains the seeds for new oak trees? Acorns.
- Name three types of animals that hibernate. Answers may include: Bears, turtles, snakes, wood frogs, groundhogs, hedgehogs, snails, poorwills, skunks, bumblebees, and bats.
- How many different types of apples are there? 7,500.
Hopefully, these questions give you a fun way to celebrate the wonderful season of autumn. For more fall fun, check out these 40 November Would You Rather questions for kids.
Which other fall trivia questions for kids would you add to this list? What’s your favorite way to use trivia questions? Leave a comment below to let us know and have an unbe-leaf-able fall.

Sophie Agbonkhese is a writer, homeschooling mother of four, and a recovering overachiever (who occasionally relapses). She is the founder of My Cup Runs Over, a site dedicated to helping busy women simplify and enrich their lives. When she’s not writing or debugging websites, Sophie spends her time reading, dancing, bullet journaling, reading, gardening, listening to audiobooks, and striving fruitlessly to have a clean house for at least five minutes.