Looking for a fun Valentine’s Day Craft for kids that is quick and easy to set up and will work for a wide variety of ages? This lovely printable can be adapted to whatever supplies you have on hand and is a tested winner with kids ages 2-12.

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A Valentine’s Day Craft for the “Uncrafty”
One of my goals this year is to spend more time doing fun crafts with my kids. In our early years of homeschooling, arts and crafts were a major focus of our days.
But as the kids have gotten older, academics have started taking up more of our time and the fun things we used to do have taken a back seat.
I’m not usually into Valentine’s Day in the traditional sense, though I’d never be one to turn down a box of chocolates, of course. Just leave all that flowery cupid-y stuff for someone else, please.
But kids have a way of turning anything into a celebration, don’t they? If my girls get one look at a calendar, they’re all like, “Oh! It’s National Rock-cutting Day on Thursday. Let’s bake cookies.” Resisting their enthusiasm is usually more difficult than going along with it.
Now, I wouldn’t necessarily call myself uncrafty. I loved scrapbooking back in the days when it was possible to leave a paper cutter on a counter without someone sticking their finger into it. (Ah, those were the days.)
It’s just that these days, the floor is already covered in so much glue and sparkles and scraps of paper that I can rarely bring myself to intentionally add to the pile.
Enter: no-mess crafts!
Valentine’s Day Craft for Kids: Four Ways
So, my oldest daughter and I sat down to brainstorm ideas for easy, no-mess Valentine’s Day crafts for kids. We came up with pretty much nothing, although we sure wished we’d been the people who came up with owls sitting in trees saying “Owl always love you.” Genius.
Then we wandered the aisles of the craft store with her younger sister hoping something would pop out at us. Eventually, things did, although we were all drawn to different items. Googly eyes, overpriced stamps, fluffy chenille yarn. You don’t even want to imagine how much time we spent poring over the $5 bundle bags beside the checkout.
Finally, we came up with this super-simple idea and four ways to pull it off. We came home, designed a printable, made hot chocolate, and spent two hours crafting.
Two hours! Two happy hours with four happy kids! I was over the moon.
My kids are currently 2, 5, 10, and 12, and each of them was fully engaged with this craft that whole time. I didn’t give them much instruction. I just laid the material out on the table and made a couple demos, then let them do their thing.
Of course, none of theirs looked anything like the demos, which is totally fine. The point isn’t to come up with a perfect design. It’s to have fun being creative together. And some of the things the girls came up with are far more stylish and artsy than anything I would have designed.
Below are four examples of how you can make and display the Lots of Love Valentine’s Day craft. Choose the ones you think will interest and engage your kids, and customize as needed.
Scroll all the way to the end to download your free printable.
Have fun and happy Valentine’s Day!
Lots of Love Valentine’s Day Craft Version 1: Foam Hearts
Supplies needed:
- Cardstock (white or colored)
- Glue stick
- Foam hearts (not self-adhesive)

This version is great for toddlers and preschoolers. Follow the steps below:
- Print the free PDF (below) on cardstock of your choice
- Fill in one letter at a time with glue
- Stick foam hearts onto glue.
- Repeat with the remaining letters.
Finished craft

Lots of Love Valentine’s Day Craft Version 2: Adhesive Hearts
Supplies needed:
- Cardstock (white or colored)
- Self-adhesive hearts or heart-shaped stickers

This version is great for older preschoolers and up, as long as they can take the backs of the shapes or remove stickers from a sticker sheet. Follow the steps below:
- Print the free PDF (below) on cardstock of your choice
- Peel the backs of the hearts and stick them on the letters.
- Repeat until finished.
Finished craft

Lots of Love Valentine’s Day Craft Version 3: Sponge Painting
Supplies needed:
- Cardstock (white or colored)
- Sponge (regular, artist’s or heart-shaped) OR heart-shaped stamp
- Washable paint
- Scissors
- Foam heart or other heart-shaped object for tracing on sponge (not necessary if you’re using a pre-cut shape)

This version is great for all ages. Younger kids might just drag the sponge over the whole page while older kids might get more intricate with their designs. Follow the steps below:
- Print the free PDF (below) on cardstock of your choice
- Cut the sponge into a heart shape.
- Dip the sponge in paint.
- Gently press onto the letters.
- Repeat until finished.
Finished craft

Lots of Love Valentine’s Day Craft Version 4: Tissue Paper
Supplies needed:
- Cardstock (white or colored)
- Glue stick
- 3 pages of tissue paper (2-3 colors) cut into 2″x2″ squares (no need to be exact here. Older kids can just rip off pieces as they go)

This version is great for ages 5 and up. Older kids may enjoy using a combination of paint and tissue paper. Follow the steps below:
- Print the free PDF (below) on cardstock of your choice
- Fill in one letter at a time with glue
- Taking a square of tissue paper in your hand, scrunch it up from the middle so it creates a puckered shape.
- Stick the tissue paper on the glue.
- Fill in the letters, alternating the tissue paper colors as you go.
Finished craft

Displaying Your Creations
Although each of these projects only takes a few minutes to create, you will want to print out lots of extra copies of the printable as the kids are going to want to make more than one design. As I mentioned, we have spent hours creating these.
When you’re done, display them suspended on a piece of twine using clothespins.

When my daughter first saw these, she said, “Wow! That’s a lot of love!” Hence, the name of this craft:)
I hope you’ve enjoyed this simple Valentine’s Day craft. Let me know what you thought in the comments below.
Download the LOVE Printable

Sophie Agbonkhese is a writer, homeschooling mother of four, and a recovering overachiever (who occasionally relapses). She is the founder of My Cup Runs Over, a site dedicated to helping busy women simplify and enrich their lives. When she’s not writing or debugging websites, Sophie spends her time reading, dancing, bullet journaling, reading, gardening, listening to audiobooks, and striving fruitlessly to have a clean house for at least five minutes.