Hi! I’m Sophie, Founder and Creative Director of My Cup Runs Over. I’m so glad you’ve found your way over here.
My Circuitous Path to Blogging
- Originally from Vancouver Island, I spent much of my childhood practicing karate and other sports, except in the summers, when I fished for salmon with my dad in the northwest rivers of British Columbia.
- In 2002, I moved to Nova Scotia to study business administration, and in my first month at university, met the amazing man I would later marry.
- Once we’d been thoroughly educated in the scintillating topics of accounting, marketing theory, and economics we made our way back to the west coast where we were blessed with the four beautiful people you see below.
- We were hard-to-manage people who liked doing things our own way so, naturally, we went into business for ourselves. We started a management consulting company together and I later branched out and opened a sustainability consulting agency.
- I went back to school and studied the even more scintillating topics of logistics, sustainability, and supply chain management (what can I say? #totalnerd).
- In 2012, I scaled back from my consulting and took on the far more intimidating task of homeschooling our little people.
- Somewhere along the way, I lost myself, then found myself again through Jesus, awesome friends, and a LOT of writing and good books. I launched this website so I could continue that journey alongside a bunch of new friends, who—by some slim chance—might find what I’ve learned to be helpful in their own journeys.
My Family

What I write
My passion is for writing women’s fiction books. I’m currently writing my third, though as of yet, the manuscripts live on my shelf. I write about personal development and family life on My Cup Runs Over, teaching writing on Story Writing Academy, and faith at Journeying Toward Jesus. On my personal website, I review the books I read (when I have time) and give away books I think my readers will enjoy. Finally, I do a bit of freelance writing for other websites.
Things I love
70% Dark chocolate. Chai tea. Thoughtfully curated vegetarian cheese boards. Backyard-to-table cuisine.
Reading. (Some of my favorite authors are Lawrence Hill, Kate Morton, Susan Meissner, Khaled Hosseini, and Kristin Hannah. I love books that can completely twist my heart into knots as theirs unfailingly do.) Bullet journaling. Dancing. Walking.
Cardigans, skinny jeans, and riding boots. Everything purple or turquoise. Black and white. Minimalist design. Handmade soy candles. Lip balm.
The ocean, lakes, beaches, and forests. Bookstores and libraries!! Any place that isn’t a mall, really.
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Thanks so much for stopping by and visiting. I look forward to getting to know you.